By Irina Jordan
This post shares the highlights of the talk given by Glen Lord, creator of The Grief Toolbox.

- Compassionate Friends is a national grief support group for parents and siblings who lost a loved one.
- We are different human beings. Everyone grieves differently.
- When losing a loved one, grief can't be solved easily.
- Big challenge when grieving: it evokes many new intense emotions. Accept them as normal, you're not insane.
- Write a poem or take a picture to express your grieving feeling. It helps others identify with you.
- Incorporate a loved one who passed, in your life in a new way (e.g. a new holiday tradition) and help others recognize it.
- Men are taught not to express emotions: Birdhouse Project, where you can build a birdhouse, helps men grieve.
- Forgive and love each other though a grieving process.
- Hearing from other people what worked for them and sharing your experience gives hope.
- Over holidays, light a candle and speak the name of a loved one.
- Help others by sharing your story. Open your self up. Speak the name of a loved one.
- Let your lost loved one encourage you and feel empowered.
- Don't 'should' on yourself.
- Figure out what works for you and for your spouse when grieving. Be open to new ways and ideas.
- Don't burn out when helping others with grief by having outside interests.
- Recognize joy, hope, love in your life.
- Be compassionate with yourself when grieving. There's no timeline for your grief.
- Open people to grief reality. Younger generation is more comfortable with death and talking about it .
- People don't mean to say wrong things. Recognize it and view those comments from their point of view.
- Share memories about your loved ones and ask others to do the same.
- Reach out to other people and share what you learned on your grief journey. Have courage to do it.
- Do simple acts of kindness.
- Give yourself a gift of remembering your loved ones. Sit down for a moment in a quiet spot and close your eyes: think of a memory of your loved one, add smells and sensations.